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Summertime Render MBTI Types


Greetings and welcome to Mono's Anime Rants. My favorite anime of 2022 was probably Summertime Render, so that's the focus of today's post. If you've followed my blog for very long, you probably know that I love the MBTI model for personality types. It's certainly not a perfect model, and I have mixed feelings about its application to real people. However, I see nothing wrong with using it to categorize anime characters. Therefore, I present to you a list of the characters from Summertime Render with their MBTI types and descriptions.

Warning: Spoilers for Summertime Render may be present in some character descriptions.


Alan Kofune: ENFJ

Alan is the biological father of Ushio and Mio, as well as Shinpei's adoptive parent. Everyone on the island loves him and knows he is the kindest, most caring man imaginable. A full analysis of Alan is impossible due to his limited role in the story. But going by typical tendencies and reputations of MBTI types, Alan seems like an ENFJ. People of this type are humble, loving, and selfless, with the ability to get along with almost anyone.


Asako Kobayakawa: ISFJ?

Asako is Shiori's mother and was close friends with Hizuru when they were children. She only has a few lines and very short scenes, so I don't have a high degree of certainty about her type. I can venture a guess that Asako might be an ISFJ. I believe there is evidence of her showing introverted, feeling, and judging tendencies. Plus, compared to Hizuru, she seems like a sensing type. An ISFJ like Asako is a strong and loyal friend with solid sense, good practical skills, and the desire to care for others.


Chitose Hishigata: ISFJ or ESFJ

Chitose is the wife of Dr. Hishigata and mother to Sou and Tokiko. Just like with the two cases above, Chitose is a very minor supporting character, so it's not possible to be confident about her MBTI type. Going by stereotypes of the loving mother, ESFJ would be likely. However, based on the limited interactions, one can argue that Chitose is introverted. ISFJ might be better in that case. Both ESFJ and ISFJ are usually excellent caretakers and loving, supportive family members. ISFJs are just less social as well as less overbearing.


Etsuko: ENFJ

Etsuko is an islander and mother with many years of experience teaching at the local school. Ushio and Shinpei respect her immensely since she was their best teacher. According to her very few lines, as well as what Shinpei and Ushio say about her, it seems that Etsuko is an ENFJ. She is kindhearted but well able to keep order. Also, she is idealistic and intelligent. I feel somewhat more confident about this guess than in the previous entries, but there's still not much to go on.


Ginrijou Nezu: ISTP

Nezu is an old hunter and expert gunman who knows firsthand that the island's mythical shadows are real. He saved young Hizuru from a shadow and the two of them formed an unusual bond afterward. At first, Nezu might seem like he's always grumpy and unsociable. To a degree, this is true. He's highly introverted and keeps most things private - but won't hold back criticisms. However, this old man is incredibly helpful to have around. In addition to having excellent physical talents (such as marksmanship and survival skills), Nezu is reasonable and logical with good common sense. This profile is most similar to ISTP.

ISTPs are sometimes called mechanics or virtuosos due their tendency to have amazing physical and practical skills. They have a thirst for adventure and a very wild side to them, but it's usually kept tempered by their sensible side. The number one cognitive function of an ISTP is Ti (introverted thinking). This shows very strongly in Nezu, who always stays true to his internal sense of logic. He does not project his logic systems on others, however.

The secondary function of an ISTP is Se (extraverted sensing). This is the active, experience-seeking form of sensing. People with strong Se are adventurous, in tune with the five senses, and need a lot of physical stimulation. It's not hard to see these tendencies in Nezu, who lives close to nature and enjoys a good thrill.


Haine: INFP

Note: "Haine" as we know her in most of the anime is actually made up of two personalities. The one that takes charge and kills people is the god Hiruko. The other personality- the original- is that of a little human girl named Haine. This section refers to said human personality.

Haine had the bad luck of being possessed by Hiruko, the otherworldly god of shadows, 300 years ago. But at times, she can take charge of the body and show herself. So what kind of person is Haine? She's cute, gentle, and sweet-natured. As an introvert and a naturally timid person, she gets nervous and has trouble asserting herself. However, when she is comfortable around someone, Haine absolutely loves getting attention, as well as sweet foods and candies. She can be stubborn and immature. In the last few episodes of the anime, we are able to see that Haine has a strong sense of personal morality, which can inspire her to do great things. She also seems to be a fairly creative person.

INFP is the likely choice for Haine. She is introverted and feeling, and her creativity and idealism suggest intuition. Furthermore, her lack of judging characteristics suggests she is a perceiver. INFPs can be difficult to understand due to their quiet nature coupled with their need for unique self-expression. If healthy, an INFP like Haine can be a loving friend capable of great empathy and powerful moral convictions. The INFP is sometimes called the dreamer due to their optimism and idealism. It isn't necessary to write about an INFP's cognitive functions here. It should be pretty clear that INFP is the best fit for Haine.


Hiruko: INFP

Note: "Haine" as we know her in most of the anime is made up of two personalities. The original personality is that of a human girl named Haine. The second personality, which is in charge most of the time, is the god Hiruko. This section refers to the god personality.

Hiruko is a selfish, hedonistic, and sometimes outright cruel existence that was born in another world. She lives in the body of Haine. Since Hiruko is so unpleasant, you might be wondering how she can be the same personality type as the adorable Haine (INFP). The answer is that any of the 16 types can become emotionally turbulent, meaning imbalanced and unhealthy. Hiruko is an extremely turbulent INFP. There's also the fact that she isn't human, and may not fully understand human empathy. Her villainous tendencies are not necessarily related to her MBTI type. Putting that aside, let's look at why INFP is a good match for Hiruko in a general sense.

Hiruko seems intuitive because she comes up with clever and creative plans when fighting. It's most likely extraverted intuition (Ne), which is the active, enthusiastic way of making mental connections. However, I doubt Ne is the dominant function. It should instead be introverted feeling (Fi), because Hiruko is driven by personal emotional motivations. She feels deep emptiness and loneliness, which is why she wants to make more shadows. Also, she's homesick for her own world. The only way to get back to the home she idealizes is to gain more power, and power as a shadow is gained by eating humans. With these personal values motivating Hiruko, we can assume her top function is Fi. Then, if Ne is the second function, we know she would fit the INFP type.


Hizuru Minakata: INTJ

The twin sister of Ryuunosuke, Hizuru is an author of several novels based on the island's shadow myths. She knows the about the shadows and returned to the island to hunt them. As an independent and quiet person, Hizuru has never been very social. She's also distinctly emotionally detached, rarely showing any form of sentimentality. This woman is serious, logical, and analytical almost to a fault. Deeply contemplative and extremely determined, she'll stop at nothing to solve the mysteries and achieve her goals.

It was easy to determine Hizuru's type because she's an archetypical example of an INTJ. Highly intuitive, with a keen intellect, she is a brilliant strategist and planner. This makes it clear that her primary function is introverted intuition (Ni). Hizuru is definitely a thinking type, making decisions based on logic and being as objective as possible. The thinking style she uses is extraverted thinking (Te), which is the more aggressive form that's directed outward at the world. With Ni and Te as her two top functions, Hizuru is an INTJ.

Note that people of this type are known to be quiet, intelligent, and ambitious. In online descriptions, INTJs are sometimes called "the strategists," "the masterminds," or "the architects." In fiction, INTJ characters are usually evil masterminds, clever villains, or questionable anti-heroes. So it's nice to have an INTJ like Hizuru who is unmistakably a "good-guy" in Summertime Render.


Masahito Karikiri: ENTP

Masahito is the priest and keeper of the shrine on the island. Eventually, we find out he the most recent clone of Shidehiko Hishigata. However, he seems to have a slightly different personality from his creator. Masahito is charming and easygoing, lacking the intense and commanding presence of Shide. In his free time, Masahito loves to play videogames, especially RPGs. He's fascinated by abstract ideas, such as what would happen if a video game's boss could turn off the power to a gaming console.

Eloquent and intelligent with a love "winning," Masahito has the spirit of a debater. He also has a less amicable side to him where he he mocks, provokes, and talks down to his enemies. This all sounds like textbook ENTP behavior. The two top functions of an ENTP are extraverted intuition (Ne) and introverted thinking (Ti). Masahito is clearly extraverted and intuitive, with an analytical and logical way of thinking. ENTP is a good choice for him.


Mio Kofune (Original): ESFJ

The younger sister of Ushio and second daughter of Alan, Mio is an outgoing but sensitive 15-year-old. She is unable to stop herself from crushing on Shinpei, despite knowing that he views her as a sister. Although Mio is very feminine in the traditional sense, she's also physically strong. Her athletic abilities- such as swimming- are well above average. She can be nervous around Shinpei, but generally, this girl is confident in herself. More practical than imaginative, Mio is probably a sensing type. Finally, she is a highly emotional person, driven by social values and personal feelings much more than any logical process.

Putting all this together, it's not hard to guess that Mio is an ESFJ. The primary cognitive function of this type is extraverted feeling (Fe). This is the form of feeling that seeks to care for others and understands social dynamics. The secondary function is introverted sensing (Si), which is less wild and adventurous than its extraverted form. These functions match up with Mio's behavior, so ESFJ is the best choice for her type.


Mio Kofune (Shadow): ISTJ

Note: Once it copies a person's data, a shadow perfectly emulates the personality of the original. At least, that's how it usually works. However, the shadow of Mio was created differently. Haine/Hiruko made her to be a special servant with a lot of tasks and responsibilities that normal shadows don't have. Because copying the original Mio was not the one and only priority, Mio's Shadow had room to grow its own distinct personality.

Shadow-Mio, as I call her, is quite different from the original Mio. For starters, she's less emotionally motivated and much less expressive. She seems detached from a normal level of emotions. Early on, she does as she is ordered because it's the logical, natural thing for a shadow to obey its mother (Hiruko). After she's freed from the programming of Hiruko, Shadow-Mio's motivations are different, and she's definitely in love with Shinpei, but she is still an objective decision-maker.

So far, this all implies that the shadow girl uses extraverted thinking (Te). However, that's not her primary function, because she has an even strongly defining trait: sensing. As a sensing type, Shadow-Mio is practical, physically skilled, and action-oriented. She uses the introverted form of the trait (Si), just like the original Mio. Putting it altogether, this shadow girl is an ISTJ type.


Ryuunosuke Minakata: ISFP

Note: The original Ryuunosuke met an unfortunate end when he was brutally murdered by Haine/Hiruko. Hiruko attempted to make a shadow of Ryuunosuke, but it didn't work right and the shadow ended up without a body. It then possessed Hizuru and shared her body with her after that day. Shadow-Ryuunosuke is identical to the original. As the audience, we technically only get to know shadow-Ryuunosuke, but I'll refer to him as Ryuunosuke since the distinction is virtually meaningless.

This boy is Hizuru's twin brother. He doesn't have as much good characterization as Hizuru, but it's still possible to determine his MBTI type. Ryuunosuke is quiet but friendly, considerate, and action-oriented rather than thinking-oriented. He's also polite and respectful. Other than that, we don't know much. But even from this information, it's fairly clear that Ryuunosuke is introverted, sensing, and feeling. The form of sensing used is extraverted. If that was his dominant function, he would be ESFP. However, Ryuunosuke is much more likely an ISFP, with a primary function of introverted feeling (Fi) and secondary function of Se.

The current online consensus is that Ryuunosuke is an ISTP, but I disagree. I don't think there is much evidence of him using introverted thinking (Ti), or being a thinking type in general. That's not to say he's illogical or constantly emotional. But his kindness and consideration are simply more representative of him than analytical decision-making.


Seidou Hishigata: ISTJ

Seidou is the main doctor on the island, the husband of Chitose, and the father of Sou and Tokiko. He secretly helps the shadows, feeding bodies of dead patients to Hiruko. The goal is for him and his family to become immortal shadows and live in Hiruko's world. Seidou is emotionally distant from his family, and quiet in general. Although his secret motivations could be called emotional, he is logical and objective in daily life. Seidou is most likely a sensing type, since he's more practical than creative. Finally, he is a judging type who plans ahead and exercises conscientiousness. We end up with ISTJ.


Shidehiko "Shide" Hishigata: ENTJ

Called Shide for short, this character is a hybrid between a human and a Shadow. He works closely with the mother of all Shadows, Haine, but is secretly using her for his own ends. The two of them together lead the Shadows. As a leader, Shide is confident, direct, and commanding. He possesses a natural charisma, and uses creative strategies to achieve his goals. So far, this all corresponds with the description of an ENTJ. This type is known for being ruthless in the pursuit of their objectives. They are bold thinkers and strong leaders with high expectations for everyone, including themselves.

Te (extraverted thinking) is the primary cognitive function of an ENTJ. Both introverted and extraverted thinking are concerned with being analytical, objective, and logical. But Te is the version directed outwardly, and can be a more aggressive. A Te user like Shide applies strict logic to problems that arise, often discounting personal and emotional elements. The secondary function of an ENTJ is Ni (introverted intuition). This is the less direct form of intuition that is constantly working in the background to process information and make connections. Intuition allows for creative thought and the ability to conceptualize the abstract. Shide's intuition allows him to hatch crafty plans to lead the Shadows to victory.


Shinpei Ajiro: INFJ

Shinpei is the central protagonist of Summertime Render. Introverted but extremely determined, he is an avid reader of thought-provoking novels. Although he is a naturally empathetic and richly emotional boy, Shinpei learned to dissociate into a version of himself that is reflective, balanced, and logical. This plus his keen intuition helps keep him alive. To outsiders, Shinpei seems quiet, intelligent, and in a way, mysterious.

This all matches up with the profile of an INFJ. Sometimes known as Advocates, INFJs typically have a strong sense of justice and personal morality. Behind the quiet exterior, they are fiercely loving and deeply thoughtful. People of this type can also be a little scary because they seem to understand the minds and hearts of others very easily, or because of the depth of their thoughts and imagination. Unhealthy INFJs can become emotionally manipulative and calculating, but this isn't really an issue for Shinpei.

The dominant function of an INFJ is introverted intuition (Ni), followed by extraverted feeling (Fe). Both forms of intuition are about making mental connections and thinking innovatively, but Ni is the quieter form that "runs in the background" of the subconscious. You can clearly see the creative thinking and quick mind at work in a character like Shinpei. As for Fe, that is the form of feeling directed outwardly at others. People with strong Fe want to protect and care for others, and they are also good at understanding how people work in an emotional sense. Shinpei loves Ushio and the other islanders more than words can describe, so Fe makes sense.


Shiori Kobayakawa: ESTJ

Shiori is the young daughter of Asako. For most of the anime, she isn't the original human version, but rather Hiruko copying her body as a shadow. It's difficult to guess Shiori's MBTI because a) her original human self only has a few lines, and b) her shadow self is not clearly distinct from the personality of Hiruko. If I had to guess, I'd label this girl as an ESTJ or ISTJ. That's because she seems very responsible and lowkey aggressive compared to the other kids. She also places great importance on family and tradition. This trait can be seen in any type, but in my experience, is more common to SJ types. Again, it's just a guess.


Sou Hishigata: ESFP

The son of Seidou and Chitose, Sou is also the older brother of Tokiko. He's brave, extraverted, and highly emotional in nature. Although he's goofy and not the most intelligent guy, he's loving, loyal, and extremely helpful in a pinch due to his adaptability and physical abilities. Sou is a great example of an ESFP with a good heart. People of this type are sometimes called "Entertainers" because they usually enjoy the spotlight. They typically have good physical and practical skills, and sometimes good artistic talent, to balance out their lack of thoughtfulness and traditional intellect.

Sou is something of a black sheep among his family members because his personality is so different from theirs. He can't stand his father, and things can be tense between him and Tokiko. Most if not all of his family members are introverts, but Sou is outgoing. Tokiko and Seidou don't show a lot of emotion, and use more objective reasoning. However, Sou is purely emotionally motivated and stubborn about his personal values. Things can be difficult for an ESFP among more logical and introverted people. Importantly, Sou is a good example of an ESFP who is helpful, brave, and not arrogant. Normally, ESFPs in fiction are obnoxious. This is a nice change.


Tetsu Totsumura: ESFP

Tetsu is an island police officer. This guy is annoying and doesn't have any significant character development. He's not even funny; he's just a stupid coward. Tetsu is mostly a joke character, and a mechanism for other characters to get their hands on guns.

If I had to assign a type to Tetsu, it would probably be ESFP. This type has a reputation in fiction for being loud and obnoxious, but that's not the only reason I think it fits. Tetsu's behavior also suggests he is extraverted and a sensing type. Since he's not particularly reliable or thorough, and doesn't plan ahead, he's probably a perceiver. Although he doesn't seem particularly strong on either thinking or feeling traits, I believe the latter is more representative of his actions. Putting all this together, we get ESFP.


Tokiko Hishigata: ISTJ

The daughter of Seidou and Chitose, Tokiko is also Sou's younger sister. She was helping her father serve the shadows. However, in the timelines where Shinpei warned her about Hiruko's real plan, Tokiko switches sides and works with the "good-guys." This girl is very mature for her age, having a heavy sense of responsibility and the ability to think with a cool head. But compared to Shadow-Mio, another ISTJ, Tokiko exhibits more emotions. She is practical and thorough, so probably sensing and judging. Though Tokiko is normally soft-spoken, she can become extremely stern and commanding when the situation demands it.

Tokiko definitely sounds like an ISTJ. This type is sometimes called "The Logician" for their calm reasoning capabilities, or "The Duty Fulfiller" for their strong sense of responsibility. Service-oriented people, ISTJs are driven to be proper and to do things right. The primary cognitive function of this type is introverted thinking (Si). Tokiko's Si can be seen in the way she handles problems by taking practical action. The secondary function is extraverted thinking (Te), which is the more aggressive and externally focused form of the thinking trait. You can see this in Tokiko's analytical, logical mind and ability to remove emotional reasoning from the equation.


Ushio Kofune: ENFP

Note: There are several versions of Ushio. Besides the original human, the anime spends a lot of time on two or three different shadow versions. However, Ushio is always Ushio. She is always identical in personality, motivations, and what she's likely to do. So, the following description applies to every form of Ushio.

Ushio is the eldest daughter of the Kofune family and hence Mio's older sister. She has always had a deep connection with Shinpei. Ushio is energetic, intelligent, empathetic, and laidback. As an intuitive type, she has a creative mind and a quick wit. In a pinch, this girl's normally impulsive nature lets her be impressively adaptable. Besides over-the-top energy, the most defining trait for Ushio is her passionate heart. She is emotional and driven by personal values. Ushio's free spirit is proof that self-expression is an important value in her life. But her powerful love for those close to her is just as strong. With all this information, it's clear that Ushio is an ENFP.

The ENFP is sometimes called "The Inspirer" or "The Campaigner" for their infectious energy, optimism, and cheer. This type is idealistic, fun-loving, and usually quite bright. In anime, ENFPs tend to be the main protagonists more than most other types. The primary function for an ENFP is extraverted intuition (Ne), which describes their creative thinking, mental energy, and love of learning even the most abstract and impractical things. The secondary function is introverted feeling (Fi), which is associated with empathy, idealism and following one's heart. Sounds like Ushio to me!


Thanks for reading~


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